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  • South Axholme
  • Coritani
  • Epworth Primary

Breaking news

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  • Ready for the appliance of science

    Published 09/07/24

    This year in Science we have been focusing on Practical activities that engage and spark curiosity in our learners. This particular experiment demonstrates a number of scientific principles in a spectacular manner. The reactions show what happens when a strong oxidising agent is in a powdered form is mixed which reacts rapidly with a blue liquid to create a large Exothermic redox reaction. This reaction starts slowly doing nothing for the first 20 seconds then into a white smoke eventually culminating in a rapid release of heat and bright purple flame.

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  • Inspiring Excellence

    Published 09/07/24

    Once again our presentation afternoon at Glanford Park was a huge success this year.

    Our learners should be so proud of themselves as we recognised and celebrated their achievements.

    It was great to see so many families celebrating with us and enjoying the occasion.

    We always look forward to this annual event as it allows us to acknowledge the hard work of our learners and reflect on how much progress they have made.

    To be part of their journey is such a privilege and we wish all of our learners the best for their next chapter.

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  • Ready to Read!

    Published 09/07/24

    Monday 3rd June was a very exciting day for our learners at Coritani, as it was the big reveal of our refurbished reading room also known as “The Cave.”

    During the day all the learners came for a peak and were immediately drawn to the beautiful ivy, entwined with bright fairy lights which lead them into the dimly lit cave! There were gasps of excitement and enthusiasm! The learners enjoyed delicately touching the ivy and lights and trying out the new seating, as well as looking at some of the books and getting into character using the soft toys.

    Learning takes place in all areas of the reading room including working at tables, on the wooden stools and making use of the array of soft blankets sitting on the floor of the cave. The learners really enjoy their time in the cave and find it a safe and comforting place. 

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  • Inspiring Excellent through classical studies

    Published 09/07/24

    This half term has seen KS3 complete a micro study of the creatures of Greek Mythology. They have explored the idea of the Gods and Goddesses and applied their stories and ideologies to modern day literature including Philip Pullmans Northern Lights. KS3 showed a great interest in mythological creatures and each learner chose an area to explore. 

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  • Ready for An Inspector Calls!

    Published 09/07/24

    During this half term KS4 have considered transactional writing in addition to completing a recap of An Inspector Calls. The writing at the start of this half term consisted of letters, writing to inform and writing to persuade. Leading on from this the group considered An Inspector Calls and how Priestley tried to influence the audience through persuasive language. KS4 picked a character each to focus on and then shared their findings with the group.

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  • Ready Player Sum

    Published 09/07/24

    In Maths, we use Mathsframe to boost engagement in maths lessons through online games. Mathsframe's interactive games align with the National Curriculum, making learning enjoyable and capturing students' interest. The platform supports differentiated instruction, allowing teachers to match games to each student's level, promoting confidence and success. Instant feedback helps students quickly correct mistakes, reinforcing key concepts. This approach has significantly increased enthusiasm and improved performance in our maths classes.

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  • Ready to Sew, Make and Bake

    Published 08/07/24

    KS2 learners had the opportunity to revisit their fantastic skills in art and design and make their very own apron for cookery lessons. They carefully marked out the pattern with a template and used the professional big scissors to cut out their material. Learners worked carefully and safely to use the electric sewing machine to stitch and hem their aprons. They all created their own individual ideas with fabric markers for the little pocket. Designs of names to aeroplanes were drawn before stitching these in place on the front of their aprons. Possibly we have a future designer maker in the academy!!

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  • Are you ready to meet Zog and the Flying Doctors?

    Published 14/06/24

    On Thursday 13th June, our Coritani junior tribe set off on their chariot to visit the New Theatre Royal Lincoln to watch their production of 'Zog and the Flying Doctors'. All of the learners travelled to the theatre safely, showed respect to others and were ready to have a fabulous time, making the staff feel proud and privileged to have shared the experience with them. Seated in the Royal Circle, our learners were taken on an adventure to cure a unicorn with two horns, a mermaid with sensitive skin and a lion who could not roar. They argued with an opinionated monarch, danced to a singing dragon and laughed until the smiles were stuck to their faces. All in attendance had a blast but the true stars of the show were our learners. Well done Coritani juniors a big round of applause for you.

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  • Ready for Adulthood, Baths Job Shop 2024

    Published 24/04/24

    Year 11 visited the local Jobs Expo at the Baths Hall.  Many of the big employers were there.  We found out that the social work team run apprenticeship degrees, that the NHS is the Uk’s biggest employer and how to join the different sections of the armed forces. We spent an hour speaking to different employers, what they looked for in young people, how they trained them and what they were likely to be paid.  The learners left with leaflets, information, water bottles and sweets which they thought was a good result.

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  • Respectful Me? All the Way?

    Published 24/04/24

    We have just had a visit from the Prison Me? No Way! Team.  The team brought a group of Category D prisoners who are determined that others do not make the poor choices they made.  The focus of the day was gangs and County Lines.  The story of the young reformed prisoners explained how the people who recruited them for gangs were very friendly until they tried to refuse to leave the gang.  There were some interesting and thoughtful questions from the learners so that they are able to face the world and be able to negotiate difficult relationships.

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  • Inspiring Excellence in Science Live

    Published 23/04/24

    A visit to The City Hall in Sheffield to explore the world of Science.  Key Stage 3 and 4 had the opportunity to listen to some of the most famous scientists in the country with a final session by Professor Raymond Winston.  Subjects included Genetics, IVF and the human body and this has been used to support learning back at Coritani in the Science lessons with Steve and Adam.

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  • Are you Ready to Play with Light?

    Published 22/04/24

    Our Coritani leaders visited the Explorer Dome to delve into the curious world of light. We split white light into the rainbow spectrum of colours and experimented with light refracting glasses. The learners played with shadows and created creatures with their hands. Our illuminating experts explained how light reaches our planet from the sun and how eclipses work. The learners enjoyed this immersive experience and recalled facts from their science lessons to ask and answer questions. 

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