CEO's Update
As we slip back into some of our normal routines and ways of working, it is a pleasure to be writing to you via our academy newsletters once again and celebrating some of the amazing achievements our students have had, in what continue to be, on occasion, difficult times. Across the Trust, we have been able to begin to reintroduce activities and events that had been postponed or cancelled previously. The impact of this and the return to near unrestricted learning has been huge, with students able to begin to enjoy again the wider curriculum and all that it offers.
It is thanks to our amazing staff team that such experiences have been offered. They are an amazing bunch of professionals who are all now ready for a well-earned break; time with their own families and an opportunity to recharge their batteries.

I hope that however you celebrate the pending holiday season, you too get the chance to spend time with those you love and to enjoy a break.
Who knows what the next year will bring, but the one thing I am certain of is that I’m glad that whatever it is, I will be doing it as part of the IET team and with you and your children.
With warmest wishes
Sarah Sprack